Rexroth Pressure Relief Valve DBW
Rexroth Pressure Relief Valve DBW Description
Rexroth ressure valve type DBW is a pilot-operated pressure relief valve. It is used for limiting the operating pressure. The pressure relief valves DBW basically consist of the main valve with main spool insert and pilot control valve with pressure adjustment element. The function of Rexroth DBW is basically the same as that of valve type DB. The unloading of the main spool is, however, achieved by controlling the mounted directional spool valve.
-- Rotary knob
-- Sleeve with hexagon and protective cap
-- Lockable rotary knob with scale
-- Rotary knob with scale
Rexroth DBW is a pilot operated relief valve from Bosch Rexroth Group. It consists of a pilot valve and a main valve, and adopts a three section concentric structure. The pilot relief valve has a smaller structural size in the pilot valve part, and the pressure regulating spring does not need to be very strong, so the pressure adjustment is relatively light. However, due to the fact that the pilot type relief valve can only take control after both the pilot valve and the main valve are activated, its response is not as sensitive as that of the direct acting relief valve. The main functions and effects of Rexroth DBW, such as stabilizing pressure: The REXROTH DBW type relief valve is connected in series on the return oil circuit, which can generate back pressure and increase the smoothness of moving parts. When the system pressure exceeds the set value, the valve will automatically open, overflow excess flow back into the oil tank, and maintain stable system pressure; System unloading function: By connecting a small flow electromagnetic valve in series to the remote control port of the REXROTH DBW overflow valve, the unloading function of the system can be achieved. When the system does not require full flow, the valve can be controlled to open by an electromagnet, allowing the pump output flow to flow directly back to the oil tank, achieving unloading of the system; Opening pressure guarantee: The opening pressure of Rexroth DBW overflow valve can ensure that when the system pressure reaches the set value, the valve will open, causing excess flow to overflow back into the oil tank, thereby ensuring that the pump outlet pressure remains stable within a certain range.
In addition, Bosch Rexroth DBW relief valve also has advantages such as fast response speed, wide adjustment range, compact structure, reliable performance, long service life, and strong anti pollution ability. Therefore, it is widely used in various hydraulic systems, such as construction machinery, agricultural machinery, ships, metallurgical equipment, etc., providing important guarantees for the stable operation of hydraulic systems. Please note that the specific parameters and performance of Rexroth DBW pilot relief valves may vary depending on the product version and specifications. When selecting and using, the selection should be based on specific hydraulic system requirements and conditions. When using Rexroth DBW pilot relief valve, it is necessary to strictly follow the operating specifications to avoid equipment damage or personal injury caused by misoperation. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly inspect and maintain the valve to ensure that it is in good working condition.
Rexroth valve DBW, DBWC model code like as: R900941174 DBW10A1-5X/200-6EG24N9K4, R900758700 DBW10A1-5X/350-6EW100N9DL, R900618747 DBW10A2-5X/200S6EG24N9K4R12, R901075701 DBW10A2-5X/200U6EG24N9K4, R900926054 DBW10A2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R901107522 DBW10A2-5X/350-6SMG24N9K4, R900915418 DBW10A3-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900948529 DBW10A7-5X/200-6EG24N9K4, R901114553 DBW10A7-5X/200-6EW230N9K4, R900949033 DBW10A7-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R901124467 DBW10AG2-5X/200-6EW230N9K4, R901036297 DBW10B1-5X/100S6EG24N9K4R12, R900923103 DBW10B1-5X/200-6EG24N9K4, R901013235 DBW10B1-5X/200-6EG24N9K4V, R900920863 DBW10B1-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900936056 DBW10B1-5X/315-6EW230N9K4, R900961291 DBW10B1-5X/315Y6EG24N9K4, R901043277 DBW10B1-5X/50S6EG24N9K4R12, R900917679 DBW10B2-5X/100U6EG24N9K4, R900915683 DBW10B2-5X/200-6EG205N9K4, R900926948 DBW10B2-5X/200-6SMG24N9K4, R900951156 DBW10B2-5X/200S6EG24N9K4R12, R900922947 DBW10B2-5X/200S6EW230N9K4R12, R900929289 DBW10B2-5X/200U6EG24N9K4, R900906285 DBW10B2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900918162 DBW10B2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4V, R900906350 DBW10B2-5X/315-6EW110N9K4, R900912485 DBW10B2-5X/315-6EW230N9K4, R900925192 DBW10B2-5X/350-6EG24N9K4, R901274402 DBW10B2-5X/500-6SMG24N9K4SO699, R900703273 DBW10B3-5X/100-6EG24K4, R900912265 DBW10B3-5X/200-6EG24N9K4, R900908999 DBW10B3-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900968098 DBW10B7-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900954046 DBW10BG1-4X/315-6EW230N9K4W65, R900923513 DBW10BG2-4X/100-6EG24N9K4W65, R900929383 DBW10BG2-4X/200-6EG24N9K4W65, R900944165 DBW10BG2-4X/200-6EW110N9K4W65, R900906284 DBW10BG2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900939863 DBW10BG2-5X/350-6EG24N9K4, R900947873 DBW15AG2-4X/200-6EG24N9K4W65, R900955639 DBW15BG2-4X/315-6EG24N9K4W65, R900924580 DBW15BG2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900970432 DBW15BG2-5X/315S6EG24N9K4R12, R900933701 DBW15BG2-5X/350-6EG24N9K4, R900941175 DBW20A1-5X/200-6EG24N9K4, R901081866 DBW20A2-5X/200-6EG24N9K4V, R900921754 DBW20A2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R901161714 DBW20A2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4R12, R900965918 DBW20A2-5X/315U6EG24N9K4, R900950034 DBW20A2-5X/350S6EG24N9K4R12, R900957197 DBW20A3-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R901185603 DBW20A7-5X/315-6EG24N9K4R12V, R901059324 DBW20A7-5X/315S6EG24N9K4R12, R901194875 DBW20AG2-5X/50-6EW230N9K4, R901018154 DBW20B1-5X/100S6EG24N9K4R12, R900935659 DBW20B1-5X/200-6EG24N9K4, R901116214 DBW20B1-5X/200-6EW110N9DL, R901061174 DBW20B1-5X/305S6EG24N9K4R12E, R900920619 DBW20B1-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900772594 DBW20B1-5X/315-6EG24N9K4R12V, R900923633 DBW20B1-5X/315-6EW230N9K4, R900619598 DBW20B1-5X/315S6EG24N9K4R12, R900744426 DBW20B1-5X/315U6EG24N9K4, R900744564 DBW20B1-5X/350-6EW200N9DL, R900748971 DBW20B1-5X/350S6EG24N9DLR12, R901024978 DBW20B2-5X/100-6EG220N9K4, R900912860 DBW20B2-5X/200-6EG24N9K4, R900931956 DBW20B2-5X/200-6EG48N9K4, R900921274 DBW20B2-5X/200S6EG24N9K4R12, R901070285 DBW20B2-5X/200S6EG24N9K4R12E, R901471422 DBW20B2-5X/240-6EG24N9K4E, R900907684 DBW20B2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900961390 DBW20B2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4/12, R901210215 DBW20B2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4E, R900911748 DBW20B2-5X/315-6EW230N9K4, R900900630 DBW20B2-5X/315S6EG24N9K4R12, R900917569 DBW20B2-5X/315U6EG24N9K4, R900920724 DBW20B2-5X/315Y6EG24N9K4, R900957172 DBW20B2-5X/315YS6EG24N9K4R12, R900931203 DBW20B2-5X/315YU6EG24N9K4, R900783463 DBW20B2-5X/330S6EG24N9K4R12E, R900925585 DBW20B2-5X/350-6SMG24N9K4, R900922037 DBW20B2-5X/350S6EG24N9K4R12, R900957638 DBW20B2-5X/350YS6EG24N9K4R10, R901056223 DBW20B3-5X/100XU6EG24N9K4, R900778045 DBW20B3-5X/200S6EG24N9K4R12, R900928041 DBW20B3-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900976384 DBW20B7-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900978831 DBW20BG1-4X/315-6EG24N9K4W65, R900944847 DBW20BG2-5X/315Y6EG24N9K4, R901112395 DBW20BG2-5X/420-6SMG24N9K4KSO699, R901149104 DBW20BG2-5X/50Y6EG24N9K4, R900967805 DBW20BG2-5X/50YU6EG24N9K4, R900955705 DBW25BG2-5X/200-6EG24N9K4, R900940994 DBW25BG2-5X/200YU6EG24NK4, R900919803 DBW25BG2-5X/50-6EG24N9K4, R901234039 DBW30A1-5X/315-6EG12N9K4, R901266886 DBW30A1-5X/350X6EG24N9DL1, R900921853 DBW30A2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R901173809 DBW30A2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4V/12SO160, R900950095 DBW30A2-5X/350-6EG24N9K4, R901106406 DBW30A2N5X/200S6EG24N9K4R12, R900950293 DBW30A2N5X/350-6EG96N9K4, R901055731 DBW30A2N5X/350S6EG24N9K4R12, R900246753 DBW30A7N5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R901348713 DBW30AG2-5X/200P100Y6EG24N9K4, R901278098 DBW30AG2-5X/200P110Y6EG24N9K4, R900772248 DBW30AG2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R901197158 DBW30AG2-5X/315P120Y6EG24N9K4, R901262067 DBW30AG2-5X/315P90Y6EG24N9K4, R901121186 DBW30AG2N5X/100S6EG220N9K4R12E, R900923066 DBW30B1-5X/200-6EG24N9K4, R901036169 DBW30B1-5X/350S6EW110N9K4R12, R901024470 DBW30B1N5X/150S6EG24N9K4R12E, R901288909 DBW30B1N5X/200YS6EG24NK4R12, R900939239 DBW30B1N5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900969930 DBW30B2-5X/1006EG110NK4, R900922310 DBW30B2-5X/100-6EG24N9K4, R900975828 DBW30B2-5X/200U6EG24N9K4, R900922311 DBW30B2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R901073591 DBW30B2-5X/315US6EG24N9K4R10, R900954635 DBW30B2-5X/315XYU6EG24N9K4, R900956493 DBW30B2-5X/315Y6EG24N9K4, R900908477 DBW30B2-5X/350-6EG24N9K4, R900929093 DBW30B2-5X/350-6EW230N9K4, R900951210 DBW30B2-5X/350S6EG24N9K4R12, R900702232 DBW30B2-5X/350S6SMG24N9K4B12, R901091652 DBW30B2N5X/200-170-6EG24N9K4, R901041145 DBW30B2N5X/210YS6EG24N9K4R12E, R901493266 DBW30B2N5X/230YS6EG24N9K4R12E, R901016133 DBW30B2N5X/280YS6EG24N9K4R12E, R901031286 DBW30B2N5X/315-6EG24NK4R10, R900776419 DBW30B2N5X/315YS6EG24N9K4R12E, R901002099 DBW30B2N5X/350S6EG24N9K4R12E, R900765298 DBW30B2N5X/350YS6EG24N9K4R12, R900773906 DBW30B2N5X/350YS6EG24N9K4R12E, R901009347 DBW30B2N5X/50U6EG24N9K4, R900906676 DBW30BG2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4, R900958707 DBW30BG2-5X/50-6EG24N9K4, R901212889 DBW30BG2N5X/100S6EG24N9K4R12E, R900765497 DBW30BG2N5X/50Y6EG24N9K4, R900732043 DBW52BF2-3X/315U6EG24N9K4, R901054396 DBW52BP2-3X/315U6EG24N9K4, R900617101 DBWC10B2-5X/315-6EW230N9K4, R900931418 DBWC30B1-5X/315U6EG24N9K4, R900954690 DBWC30B2-5X/200-6EG24N9K4, R900919870 DBWC30B2-5X/315Y6EG24N9K4, R900957101 DBWCB2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4SO187, R900749207 DBW10BG1-4X/315-6EW230N9DLV/12W65, R901055575 DBW30A2N5X/350P350YS6EG24N9K4R12, R900945917 DBW20B2-5X/350S6EW230N9K4R12, R900751465 DBW20A1-5X/315-6EW110N9K4, R900978501 DBW10B2-5X/315S6EG24N9K4R12V, R901007716 DBW10B1-5X/100-6EG24N9K4R12, R900974975 DBW20B2-5X/200US6EG24N9K4R12, R901112203 DBW10B1-52/100S6EG-24NK4R12, R901036551 DBW20BG2-52/200US6EG24N9K/R08, R901395379 DBW30B1-5X/350-6EW110N9K4V, R900973646 DBW20B2-5X/315US6EG24N9K4R12, R900974896 DBW20B2-5X/200U6EG24N9K4, R901081465 DBW10B5-5X/160XYM6EG24N9K4, R900956267 DBW20B2-5X/315-6EG24NK4, R900949210 DBW20A1-5X/315S6SMG24N9K4B12, R900742525 DBW20B2-5X/315-250-6EG24N9K4, R900906775 DBW30B1-5X/315-6EW230N9K4, R900919452 DBW30.2-5X/350V, R901215938 DBW15BG2-5X/315XU6EG24N9K4, R901298187 DBW10A1-5X/315-6EG24N9K4V, R901159192 DBW52BF3-3X/315U6EG60N9K4.
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