Rexroth Pressure Relief Valve DBDS
Rexroth Pressure Relief Valve DBDS Description
Rexroth pressure relief valves of type DBD are direct operated seat valves from Bosch Rexroth Group. They are used for limiting a system pressure. It consists of a housing and one or two pressure valve cores. The main function of this pressure reducing valve is to reduce the pressure of the system and maintain stability to ensure normal operation of the system. It is mainly used in hydraulic systems that require pressure reduction and stabilization. The characteristic of Rexroth DBDS pilot stacked relief valve is the design of stacked valve plate, which makes this valve highly flexible and can be combined and adjusted according to the needs of the system. In hydraulic systems, when the pressure exceeds the set value, Rexroth DBD pressure reducing valve will automatically open, releasing excess pressure to maintain stable system pressure. The adjustable range of the output pressure of the pressure reducing valve is mainly related to the stiffness of the pressure regulating spring. In practical applications of pressure reducing valves, the smaller the output pressure fluctuation, the better the characteristics of the pressure reducing valve. Rexroth DBD pressure reducing valves have excellent performance and stability, and are widely used in various hydraulic systems such as engineering machinery, agricultural machinery, ships, and metallurgical equipment. In these applications, Rexroth DBD pressure reducing valve mainly plays a role in reducing system pressure and maintaining the stability of the hydraulic system, thereby ensuring the normal operation of the system and extending the service life of the equipment, providing reliable guarantees for the normal operation of the equipment
The functions of Rexroth DBDS pilot superimposed relief valve include: limiting system pressure: when the system pressure exceeds the set value, Rexroth DBDS will automatically open, overflow excess flow back to the oil tank, and maintain system pressure stability. When the flow rate is constant, the output pressure fluctuation of the pressure reducing valve is small, indicating that its pressure characteristics are good; Stacked valve design, compact structure: Rexroth DBDS adopts a stacked valve plate design, which can easily stack multiple valves together, achieve multi-channel control, improve system integration and compactness; High performance: The Rexroth DBDS pilot stacked relief valve adopts high-quality materials and manufacturing processes, with excellent performance and stability, and can meet the pressure and flow requirements of various hydraulic systems. The output pressure of the pressure reducing valve can be adjusted within a certain range to meet the pressure requirements of different systems.
Rexroth valve DBDS model type like as R900425164 DBDA10K1X/315, R900425966 DBDA10K1X/50, R900428387 DBDA6K1X/400, R900469298 DBDA10G1X/50, R900423867 DBDA10P1X/100, R900436044 DBDA20G1X/100, R900432465 DBDA6G1X/25, R900403013 DBDA6G1X/25V, R900424177 DBDA6G1X/50, R900429172 DBDA6P1X/315, R900430108 DBDA6P1X/400, R900423891 DBDH10K1X/100, R900424190 DBDH10K1X/200, R900424183 DBDH10K1X/315, R900424199 DBDH6K1X/100, R900424201 DBDH6K1X/315, R900424188 DBDH10G1X/100, R900424189 DBDH10G1X/315, R900449495 DBDH10G1X/315V, R900424180 DBDH10G1X/50, R901194173 DBDH10G1X/630SO292, R900769570 DBDH10K1X/210E, R900432893 DBDH15G1X/25, R900431964 DBDH20G1X/25, R900442913 DBDH25G1X/25, R900424237 DBDH30G1X/100, R901078054 DBDH30K1X/200VE, R900772572 DBDH4K1X/210VE, R900424195 DBDH6G1X/100, R900476358 DBDH6G1X/100V, R900424196 DBDH6G1X/200, R900458278 DBDH6G1X/315/12, R900424348 DBDH6G1X/400, R900463686 DBDH6G1X/50V, R900769375 DBDH6K1X/100E, R900773283 DBDH6K1X/130E, R900769424 DBDH6K1X/160E, R900769367 DBDH6K1X/210E, R900769568 DBDH6K1X/315E, R900424266 DBDH6P1X/315, R900430280 DBDR6G1X/100, R900435755 DBDR6G1X/200, R900424147 DBDS10K1X/100, R900381271 DBDS10K1X/400J5, R900457420 DBDS10K1X/400V, R900424153 DBDS10K1X/50, R900427601 DBDS10K1X/630, R900424267 DBDS20K1X/100, R900424269 DBDS20K1X/200, R900452327 DBDS20K1X/315J5, R900424082 DBDS20K1X/315V, R900424203 DBDS20K1X/400, R901092262 DBDS20K1X/400-335, R900078770 DBDS20K1X/400P350, R900424205 DBDS20K1X/50, R900424284 DBDS30K1X/100, R900424285 DBDS30K1X/100V, R900424286 DBDS30K1X/200, R900350244 DBDS30K1X/200J5, R900422543 DBDS30K1X/25, R901298606 DBDS30K1X/25-15V, R900400423 DBDS4K1X/50V, R900423723 DBDS6K1X/100, R900441034 DBDS6K1X/100V, R900423724 DBDS6K1X/200, R901490324 DBDS6K1X/200SO156, R901409365 DBDS6K1X/200-180SO157, R900423725 DBDS6K1X/315, R900989233 DBDS6K1X/315SO138, R900752105 DBDS6K1X/315-150, R900428388 DBDS6K1X/315V, R900423726 DBDS6K1X/400, R901167743 DBDS6K1X/400P350, R900438939 DBDS6K1X/400V, R900423727 DBDS6K1X/50, R900405329 DBDS6K1X/50SO60, R900424738 DBDS10G1X/100, R901136834 DBDS10G1X/160E, R900424140 DBDS10G1X/200, R900424741 DBDS10G1X/200V, R900783238 DBDS10G1X/240E, R900424742 DBDS10G1X/315, R900769364 DBDS10K1X/100E, R900768630 DBDS10K1X/140E, R900772539 DBDS10K1X/140VE, R900769414 DBDS10K1X/160E, R900768636 R900769280 DBDS10K1X/250E, R900772073 DBDS10K1X/270E, R901311441 DBDS10K1X/285E, R900769279 DBDS10K1X/315E, R900768628 DBDS10K1X/330E, R900769274 DBDS10K1X/330VE, R900769399 DBDS10K1X/350E, R900769437 DBDS10K1X/400E, R901028312 DBDS10P1X/160E, R900424157 DBDS10P1X/200, R900772168 DBDS10P1X/200E, R900435016 DBDS10P1X/200V, R900424158 DBDS10P1X/315, R900778434 DBDS10P1X/315E, R900491662 DBDS10P1X/400V, R901306410 DBDS10P1X/480ESO292, R900427244 DBDS10P1X/50V, R901194177 DBDS10P1X/630VSO292, R900424162 DBDS15G1X/100, R900424163 DBDS15G1X/200, R900424164 DBDS15G1X/200V, R900426898 DBDS15G1X/25, R900424165 DBDS15G1X/315, R901017079 DBDS20G1X/150E, R900424174 DBDS20G1X/315, R900769412 DBDS20G1X/315E, R901082131 DBDS20G1X/315SO157, R900424175 DBDS20G1X/400, R900424276 DBDS20G1X/50, R900769597 DBDS20K1X/100E, R900769391 DBDS20K1X/315E, R900424274 DBDS20P1X/100, R900424277 R901550931 DBDS20P1X/210VE, R900395219 DBDS20P1X/25V, R900424278 DBDS20P1X/315, R900424279 DBDS20P1X/400, R900464875 DBDS20P1X/400V, R900424263 DBDS25G1X/100, R900433929 DBDS25G1X/25, R900424265 DBDS25G1X/315, R900203852 DBDS2K2X/200, R900203853 DBDS2K2X/315, R900208778 DBDS2K2X/315V, R900203854 DBDS2K2X/420, R900423763 DBDS30G1X/100, R901103357 DBDS30G1X/150E, R900427243 DBDS30G1X/25, R900769573 DBDS30G1X/315E, R900424262 DBDS30G1X/50, R900769523 DBDS30K1X/150E, R900769400 DBDS30K1X/200E, R900772009 DBDS30K1X/220E, R901106063 DBDS30K1X/240VE, R900773241 DBDS30K1X/250E, R901288646 DBDS30K1X/250ESO157, R900781256 DBDS30K1X/270E, R900769291 DBDS30K1X/315E, R901045637 DBDS30K1X/315ESO157, R900772515 DBDS30K1X/315VE, R900423714 DBDS30P1X/200, R900464465 DBDS30P1X/25V, R900423715 DBDS30P1X/315, R900429168 DBDS30P1X/315V, R900423717 DBDS6G1X/100, R900423719 DBDS6G1X/200, R900423720 DBDS6G1X/315, R901240874 DBDS6G1X/315SO157, R900433216 DBDS6G1X/315V, R900423721 DBDS6G1X/400, R900769369 DBDS6K1X/100E, R900769278 DBDS6K1X/100VE, R900769377 DBDS6K1X/140VE, R900769382 DBDS6K1X/150E, R900769564 DBDS6K1X/190E, R901009139 DBDS6K1X/190VE, R900769384 DBDS6K1X/200E, R900768637 DBDS6K1X/210E, R900768634 DBDS6K1X/210VE, R900769374 DBDS6K1X/315E, R900769268 DBDS6K1X/330E, R900768635 DBDS6K1X/330VE, R901252185 DBDS6K1X/340E, R900423728 DBDS6P1X/100, R901165405 DBDS6P1X/140E, R901052227 DBDS6P1X/160E, R900423729 DBDS6P1X/200, R900438611 DBDS6P1X/25V, R900423730 DBDS6P1X/315, R900779532 DBDS6P1X/350E, R900438610 DBDS6P1X/50V, R900475974 DBDS8G1X/25V, R900423735 DBDS8G1X/315, R900424287 DBDS30K1X/200V, R900424743 DBDS10G1X/315V, R900409134 DBDH6G-1X/315/V/5, R901081018 DBDS10G1X/170ESO157, R901119103 DBDS30G1X/315ESO157, R901172058 DBDS30G1X/170ESO157, R901119100 DBDS20G1X/315ESO157, R900424172 DBDS-20G18/200, R900424321 DBDS6K1X/200V, R900424200 DBDH6K1X/200, R900424112 DBDH20K1X/50, R901413847 DBDS2K-2X/420P350V, R900437348 DBDS6G1X/200V, R900769546 DBDS10K1X/375B, R900769552 DBDS20K1X/200E, R900478766 DBDS20G1X/400V, R900441778 DBDH6G1X/200V, R900427605 DBDH6G1X/315V, R900496034 DBDS10K1X/630V, R900769557 DBDS10K-1X/220E, R900424734 DBDH6K1X/50, R900420276 DBDS10K1X/25, R900424264 DBDS25G1X/200, R900965798 DBDS4K1X/420V, R901211492 DBDH10K1X/50J5V, R900473979 DBDH20K1X/50V, R900478419 DBDH10K1X/50V.
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